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RGB: 197, 197, 84

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HEX: #363636

RGB: 255, 255, 255

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Whatley photo
Whatley photo

Mark Whatley (AKA “Whatley”) is an entrepreneur with over 10 years of restoration industry experience that incorporates all aspects of a loss, from mitigation to repair. As an Xactimate Certified Trainer, a Matterport Certified Trainer, and a licensed general contractor, Whatley’s hands-on expertise in the industry provides context for his drive and problem-solving persona.


Whatley currently serves as President of sureti, a third-party fund control payment company. He is also a founder of Actionable Insights, a non-profit that establishes adjusting guidelines that serve as a baseline for noble claims settlement. He is the author of The Umpire’s Mitigation Manual and the Umpire’s Repair Manual, two publications that have formed the foundation of the 3000+ page Insight Sheet Database and essentially serve as the Wikipedia of Xactimate invoicing templates.

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